Frequently Asked Questions

Budgie, parakeet, budgerigar, shell parakeet, chirp-chirp, what's the name of it?

Budgie is the colloquial term in much of the world for the bird known as a budgerigar or melopsittacus undulatus. The United States and Canada sometimes simply call it a parakeet or shell parakeet. Budgie parakeet is used in many places to specify the variety. They are however, just a miniature species of parrot from Australia. (parakeet just refers to small parrots with long tail feathers). Chirp-chirp is the childish name I've seen many American school children use.

What is an appropriate cage size for a budgie parakeet?

There are no easy answers for questions like the above, but in general, you want a cage with: 1/2" or less (1.25cm) bar spacing, a box-shape (no round cages), at least enough space for a budgie to expand its wings (16" or more across), and plenty of space for it to have multiple kinds of perches, food and water bowls, and at least two toys (one chew/shred toy, one noise or colorful toy).

Why does my budgie pace across the cage, flap in place or scream for no particular reason.

This can indicate boredom or wanting to exercise or seeking owner's attention. It's generally best to let budgies out of the cage multiple times a week with at least 30 mins of exercise and playtime out of the cage on each instance. Any less, and budgies can grow restless. However, precautions must be taken for out of the cage activity.

Why does my budgie show no reaction to millet or other treats?

Most common reason is if they are on a seed diet and see no food value in additional seeds.

My budgie won't eat veggies or fruits!

Budgies are picky eaters and will require time and patience (and some amount of wasted food) to get them to eat.

Can I smoke weed around my budgie?

Just because it doesn't harm you, doesn't make it safe. Birds are super sensitive to air pollutants, and this is torture for budgies.

My budgie won't bathe, what do I do?

It's important for budgies to bathe regularly, especially in molts. At your own risk, you can make a budgie bathe if you can get it to a sink, put a few inches of warm (no more than 35-38C) water in it and make them splash around, especially if their wings are wet. Budgies will not generally sink in water, but they cannot ingest water, it will hurt them/make them sick. Please use care and don't try to soak your bird. And be aware that forcing baths is only acceptable if it's necessary for cleaning/health, not for regular use. NO SOAP, no oil, no scents. Budgies have sensitive skins and need just clean, warm water to bathe.

My budgie panics at night!

This can be normal if it's not used to a particular sleep set up. You may have to provide a nightlight temporarily for them.

How do I make baby budgies?

Breeding is an advanced topic inappropriate for new owners. Keep all "happy huts" or other dark hiding places, boxes and containers from their cage.

My budgie I brought home is just not doing anything!

This is super common for the first day or so. Partially cover the cage, offer seeds, millet, water and a familiar toy if possible, but leave them to hang out for a day or two to get used to their surroundings. They will drink and eat when ready.